Hey, you.
I'm wondering about you...
Do you wish your body looked different?
Have you lost weight and gained it back multiple times?
Do you ever feel out-of-control around food?
If you answered yes, and are ready to try something different, you're in the right place.
I want to help you learn to relate to your body as an ally and experience the resulting mind and body transformation.
Living a healthy lifestyle is not as complicated or stressful as you've been taught!

How would you like to feel
comfortable, confident,
and happy
in the body you're in today
and be re-aquainted with your
inner intuitive eater?
If you'd like that, great! You're in the right place.
Here is where I share a lot of weight-neutral nutrition content
(think: intuitive eating, body neutrality, negative effects of dieting and what we should do instead, and more).
Most of this content is my own, and some are others' thoughts that really resonated with me (always credited to the source).
I love engaging with people in thoughtful conversation about these topics, so please-- if you have any questions or thoughts or ideas, reach out!
Either in the comments or at shiragreenfieldnutrition@gmail.com.
I can't wait to get to know you!

The Body Image Toolbox

Your Kid Feels Bad Because She Thinks She's Fat... Now What?

Taking Back Healthy Living

Get Your Mindset Ready--Your Summer Body Is Good To Go

An Open Letter To My Teenage Nieces

Why you shouldn't speak to kids about dieting & weight loss

What to do when you're feeling bad about your body

Let's change the conversation

Teaching Our Kids How To Fish Part 2: Continuing the conversation

Principle #1: Reject Diet Culture. Why This Is A Necessary First Step

Just Because You Can’t Imagine Being Rid of Diet Culture Doesn’t Mean It’s Impossible

No Comment, Please

Can we call a spade a spade? When valuing thinness is masked as valuing health

Monday Morning Musings on Intuitive Eating